Import candidates in bulk using CSV data import feature, add custom interview availability

Hey there,

We trust you’re doing well and are happy to reconnect with you. We’re back with another round of new updates that are sure to elevate your Tacitbase experience. Read on to discover the latest enhancements.

:star2:New Feature:
:bar_chart: Import Candidate Data from CSV:
Enrich your candidate database with our brand-new CSV import feature. Seamlessly import candidate data from your spreadsheets into Tacitbase, saving you valuable time and minimizing manual data entry.

Image: Bulk candidate import

:date: Event Availability:
Say hello to an even smarter way of managing your events! You can add your custom event availability in account settings in the Tacitbase. It will be used to suggest your available free slots for scheduling events.

:clock1: Smart Slot Suggestions:
Tired of the back-and-forth emails to find a suitable time for your event guests? We have Smart slot suggestions feature, simply add guests to your event and select from free overlapping slots suggested by Tacitbase.

Our commitment is to bring you a platform that’s both powerful and user-friendly.

As always, if you have any questions or need assistance, our dedicated team is just a click away. Your success is our priority!

Happy recruitment! :clinking_glasses:
Team Tacitbase