Introducing New Billing Options: Gain More Control Over Your Subscription

To better align with your hiring needs, we’re introducing a new billing structure. Pricing will be now based on the number of job posts, with the bonus, members are now unlimited—no need to worry about managing member limits anymore!

The new billing structure will give you even more control over your subscription and can choose a plan that fits your needs perfectly.

:credit_card: Billing structure

We’ve updated our new Free, Starter, and Premium plans, which will be reflected when you sign up. You can check the plan details here.

:wrench: Customize Your Billing:

Need a plan that fits your unique needs? Contact us, and we’ll help create a billing plan just for you.

Key changes:

:open_file_folder: Archived Job Posts:
All existing job posts will be archived to ensure a smooth transition. You can easily unarchive and republish your posts from the job post dashboard whenever you’re ready(Refer attached image).

Archive job post
Image1: Archived jobs

:free: Default Free Plan:
If you’re currently on a trial or free plan, we’ve assigned you the Free plan. When you’re ready for more features or additional job posts, you can easily switch to a paid plan.

If you have any questions or need help with the transition, We’re here and ready to assist.
Thank you for being an important part of the Tacitbase community. We’re looking forward to continuing to support your hiring journey!

Team Tacitbase

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